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Keywords: Turkish - American Relations

Transatlantic relations in the shade of missile shield With a meeting held at TEPAV transatlantic relations were discussed in the shade of the missile shield issue occupying the foreign policy agenda.
Haber Resim
26/11/2010   ANKARA - In the meeting hosted by TEPAV on 26 November 2010, transatlantic relations were discussed in the shade of the missile shield issue occupying the foreign policy agenda. The meeting organized by TEPAV and Turkish Policy Quarterly (TPQ) [More]
TEPAV Director Sak: "Let’s Enrich the Turkish-American Model Partnership with Innovation" Sak delivered a speech at the '26th Transatlantic Conference' organized by US based think-tank the Franklin Center and TOBB and asked for the enriching of the Turkish-American model partnership with projects that will advance innovations in Turkey.
Haber Resim
08/11/2010 ANKARA - TEPAV Director Prof. Dr. Güven Sak said that Turkey, which is currently a medium-technology industrial country, now targets to become an innovation-driven rich country and thus projects to this end should be developed in the context of [More]
Overcoming hurdles in Turkey-US relations … A roundtable meeting was held at TEPAV with the participation of Bülent Alirıza, CSIS Turkey Project Director.
04/08/2010 ANKARA- Bülent Ali Rıza, Turkey Project Director in US based think-tank Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), participated as a keynote speaker to a roundtable meeting at TEPAV to discuss the future of Turkey-US relations. Under [More]
TEPAV organized a Turkey trip for Amerikan journalist and experts
25/03/2010 With the trip organized by Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) a delegation consisting of American Journalists and blog writers visited Turkey between 17-24 March 2010. The delegation headed by Morton Abramowitz, Former US Ambassado [More]
TEPAV And CSIS Cooperation For Turkish - American Relations
19/01/2009 TEPAV and CSIS cooperate for contributing to the improvement of Turkish-American relations. Within this perspective, both think-tanks are working on parallel reports that were discussed during the meeting held in Ankara on January 14, 2009. As a re [More]
The Fourth Meeting on Turkish-American Relations was Held at TEPAV
18/12/2008 TEPAV organized its fourth meeting in a series of meetings evaluating the Turkish-American relations before and after the American presidential elections. Fourth meetings' main speaker was Mr. Abdullah Akyuz, the President of TUSIAD-US. In the past, [More]